Friday, 16 August 2013

The Witch's House

The Witch's House

Operating System: PC
Website: Official Website
Rating: 1.5/5
Comments: Since I like my horror RPGs I figured I would try this one out since some people said it was "a really good game". They were wrong. It was, in my opinion, just trying so hard to copy Ib that it ended up having a really crap story. You pretty much have to escape from some creepy mansion without really knowing why, you just do it.

The thing I hated about this game: there were TOO many ways to die! Seriously. Everything killed you. Walk into the house, walls cave in and you die. Check a painting on a wall, monster comes out and kills you. The ways to die were sometimes really obvious and it made me cringe when I knew something would pop up when I finished a puzzle.

There were apparently 2 endings, with only one being the true ending. The normal ending made me feel like jumping off a cliff because it made playing the whole game pointless. The "True Ending" was rather sad. Little girl gets tricked by the witch to have her body then won't give it back. It also made me want to jump off a cliff. The dad comes and shoots the girl thinking it's a monster. I would not recommend it.

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