Friday, 16 August 2013

Ao Oni

Ao Oni

Operating System: PC
Website: Official Website
Rating: 1/5
Comments: I honestly thought this game would have a meaning to it. I mean, why else would some lame RPG get really popular? Easy. Apparently some stupid guy made a youtube video where he spazzes out a lot and shrieks like a girl. I dunno, haven't seen it, don't want to.

So the gist of the story is: there a haunted house. A group of teens go in there for a scare. The group of teens slowly get picked off one by one by a monster. The monster is a lame giant purple guy.
This whole game consists of: entering a room, running away from the monster. Solving a puzzle, running away from the monster. Finding a new NPC, running away from the monster. Realising there's no point to the game, running away from the monster. This was a terrible game with an even worse ending. Hiroshi escapes and leave all his friends behind and never tells anyone? I mean, 3 people just got killed in that house! It was a pointless game and I'm glad it was only short!

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