Operating System: Nintendo DS
Website: Official Website
Rating: 3.5/5
Comments: Ok, let me start by saying: OBJECTION! Yes, that's right. I caved under peer pressure and got this game. I've heard people rave on about it and I wanted to see if it was as good as people say... It's not.
The script, though meant to be funny, ends up getting on my nerves. If I hear that damn judge make another stupid crack... grr... The gameplay is, to put it kindly, boring. There's only two parts to the gameplay to begin with. Let me explain:
You're a lawyer, Mr Phoenix Wright. You start with an unfortunate series of events, such as a murder, and decide you want to defend the accused in court. The first half of this game consists of wandering around to numerous locations and trying to dig up enough evidence for your case. This can be rather frustrating at times but you HAVE to do it.
The second part is, of course, defending your client in court. Ok, this is where the puzzles get... how should I put this?... IMPOSSIBLE?! Seriously! There are some things that I would never get in a million years, even if I was random clicking!
I realise now that I started this by playing the 3rd game first. I have since rectified this and boy, the last one is the best of the lot. The first one explains most of the jokes that I didn't understand and the second one introduces characters and more plot so you can follow it easier. I understand now why you play things in sequence!
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