Operating System: PC
Website: Official Website
Rating: 2/5
Comments: The first thing that I thought of when playing this game was how similar it was to Corpse Party in a lot of respects. That being said it made it at least a little interesting for me as the very limited story continued. You start as the "new girl" in school called Aki (name is customisable but I never bothered). She says that some girl called Misao vanished from school and that she wanted to be friends with her and that it's very sad. The next day at school a whole bunch of people start talking about it and saying that she cursed everyone... and then they get thrown into a new world.
The game style is rather cute and I liked the pixels. It was similar to those RPG maker sprites but made to look noticeably pixelated. The Portraits were really well-drawn which surprised me. You don't normally see a well-drawn portrait for an RPG. They may not have had a full range of emotions but you didn't really need that. One was more than enough to get the tone of what was being said.
I didn't pay that much attention to the music because it was on an endless loop most of the time unless some event was happening. Although whenever Misao talked you for some reason heard these chime bells that sounded really alien and creepy. The main thing that I hated in this game was how many ways there was to die. There weren't as many as The Witch's House but almost every other option killed you.
The ending... what can I say? This game was so damn sad ALL THE TIME. Especially when you find what you have been searching for. You open a cupboard and out pops "Misao's Legs". Yeah. This game had a really sad back story and almost NO happy ending because the girl died for NO REASON whatsoever. There wasn't really proper closure which left me feeling awful for having played that game.... I'm sorry Misao! D: