JoJo's Fashion Show 2: Las Cruces

Operating System: PC/Mac
Website: iWin page
Rating: 3/5
Comments: This was a fun little game mostly because I can't design fashion. It's pretty much like any other time management game. You have 3-4 model that you have to dress up in the appropriate style. They make this very difficult by not having everything you need to make a perfect outfit each time. They've got pretty funky styles, like pirate gypsy and flamenco punk, which are cool to unlock for the "dress up doll" wardrobe. Sure it did get frustrating and seriously, the menswear was KILLER to get a good score, but I did enjoy this. Both the games are good actually!
Jojo's Fashion Show: World Tour

Operating System: PC
Website: iWin page
Rating: 4/5
Comments: After doing the last game, I stumbled upon pictures of this one and instantly got it. I was not disappointed. It lives up to the usual Jojo standard, having unique styles that are fun for me to steal a few ideas from... except the "street" gear (Amsterdam, London, Tokyo) all look too similar in male form. Pain in the ass indeed. The plot in great, like watching some trashy soap where you're like "OH NO! She did NOT just steal her man AND her designs! What a biatch!". The art style has changed though, which is a bit disappointing, but it still looks good... I just think the model look ugly now but that's not a big deal. I can't wait to see the rest of the styles though!